What to Bring

Cell phone and GPS reception in Big Sur can be spotty (or nonexistent). Plan ahead by printing copies of any directions or contact information you need for the weekend.

What Should I Wear?
Expect sun, clouds, fog, and wind- sometimes all in the same day! Spring days tend to be fairly warm (65°F), while evenings are cooler (50°F). Bring layers and an umbrella or raincoat.

Attire for the ceremony and reception should be dressy, but casual enough for the beach. Bring a light jacket or shawl, and leave those stilettos at home! Sandals, sundresses, and crazy hats are totally acceptable.

Recommended Packing List
• Clothes for ceremony/reception
• Decent walking shoes or hiking boots (if you want to explore)
• Camera & charger
• Water bottle (fill it up with delicious Big Sur water!)