Week 42 in Photos: Succulents & Sprinkles

Erin gets a best paper award at the top conference in her field, so we bake some celebratory cupcakes.

Erin gets a best paper award at the top conference in her field, so we bake some celebratory cupcakes.

Our local triceratops is not sure how to feel about the new guy in town.

Our local triceratops is not sure how to feel about the new guy in town.

Spot the cat.

Spot the cat.

Serena introduces new plants to the window garden.

Serena introduces new plants to the window garden.

Our neighborhood is snowed in for the 298237565th time this winter. Erin refuses to go sledding.

Our neighborhood is snowed in for the 298237565th time this winter. Erin refuses to go sledding.

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