Week 39 in Photos: Cannonballs & Clocks

Serena designs some inappropriate Valentine cards.

Serena designs some inappropriate Valentine cards.

Loki prepares for a career in the circus. This is his feline cannonball impression.

Loki prepares for a career in the circus. This is his feline cannonball impression.

Stacy attempts to synchronize the second hands of every clock at work.

Stacy attempts to synchronize the second hands of every clock at work.

Can you spot the cat?

Can you spot the cat?

Serena and Erin carry a bookshelf down the street and up three flights of stairs. Spoilers: we didn't die, and this is Serena's new workspace.

Serena and Erin carry a bookshelf down the street and up three flights of stairs. Spoilers: we didn’t die, and this is Serena’s new workspace.

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